Campaign Idea

AI-driven News Teaser Videos


Set a daily / weekly trigger that will launch a video without any human interaction

daily / weekly launch
data sources

The Feedly AI helps Algo select the best articles covering a sector / topic and extract all relevant data to create an instant video about that news.

feedly .com

On the Algo dashboard, search for a keyword and pull the right Unsplash image directly into the video

unsplash image api

Work with our data-visualization team to automate your favorite chart and include it into your project.

tailor made chart

Algo allows custom audio / music to be uploaded & integrated into videos

audio upload

Overview — Automatically turn today's trending articles into teaser videos using AI, for a news outlet

Overview — Automatically turn today's trending articles into teaser videos using AI, for a news outlet

Overview — Automatically turn today's trending articles into teaser videos using AI, for a news outlet

In an age where visual content dominates the online landscape, the AI News Teaser Video campaign offers a fresh approach to news consumption. This innovative project utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to automatically transform articles into dynamic visual content, creating engaging teaser videos in output. Without the need for human intervention, this system prioritizes clarity and information design, ensuring that even the most complex news stories are presented in a visually compelling manner. 

A fusion of graphics, animations, and engaging soundtracks, creating teaser videos that not only inform but entertain. Newsrooms & Brands can now captivate their audience with news delivered in a visually compelling manner. With AI News Teaser Videos, we can report the news but we also can turn them into a visual symphony that resonates across digital landscapes, ensuring your message is heard amidst the noise. For brands and events looking to enhance their social media presence, AI News Teaser Videos could provide an effective means of conveying information in a format that resonates with today’s audiences, making the news not only informative but also visually captivating.

In an age where visual content dominates the online landscape, the AI News Teaser Video campaign offers a fresh approach to news consumption. This innovative project utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to automatically transform articles into dynamic visual content, creating engaging teaser videos in output. Without the need for human intervention, this system prioritizes clarity and information design, ensuring that even the most complex news stories are presented in a visually compelling manner. 

A fusion of graphics, animations, and engaging soundtracks, creating teaser videos that not only inform but entertain. Newsrooms & Brands can now captivate their audience with news delivered in a visually compelling manner. With AI News Teaser Videos, we can report the news but we also can turn them into a visual symphony that resonates across digital landscapes, ensuring your message is heard amidst the noise. For brands and events looking to enhance their social media presence, AI News Teaser Videos could provide an effective means of conveying information in a format that resonates with today’s audiences, making the news not only informative but also visually captivating.

In an age where visual content dominates the online landscape, the AI News Teaser Video campaign offers a fresh approach to news consumption. This innovative project utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to automatically transform articles into dynamic visual content, creating engaging teaser videos in output. Without the need for human intervention, this system prioritizes clarity and information design, ensuring that even the most complex news stories are presented in a visually compelling manner. 

A fusion of graphics, animations, and engaging soundtracks, creating teaser videos that not only inform but entertain. Newsrooms & Brands can now captivate their audience with news delivered in a visually compelling manner. With AI News Teaser Videos, we can report the news but we also can turn them into a visual symphony that resonates across digital landscapes, ensuring your message is heard amidst the noise. For brands and events looking to enhance their social media presence, AI News Teaser Videos could provide an effective means of conveying information in a format that resonates with today’s audiences, making the news not only informative but also visually captivating.

In an age where visual content dominates the online landscape, the AI News Teaser Video campaign offers a fresh approach to news consumption. This innovative project utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to automatically transform articles into dynamic visual content, creating engaging teaser videos in output. Without the need for human intervention, this system prioritizes clarity and information design, ensuring that even the most complex news stories are presented in a visually compelling manner. 

A fusion of graphics, animations, and engaging soundtracks, creating teaser videos that not only inform but entertain. Newsrooms & Brands can now captivate their audience with news delivered in a visually compelling manner. With AI News Teaser Videos, we can report the news but we also can turn them into a visual symphony that resonates across digital landscapes, ensuring your message is heard amidst the noise. For brands and events looking to enhance their social media presence, AI News Teaser Videos could provide an effective means of conveying information in a format that resonates with today’s audiences, making the news not only informative but also visually captivating.

In an age where visual content dominates the online landscape, the AI News Teaser Video campaign offers a fresh approach to news consumption. This innovative project utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to automatically transform articles into dynamic visual content, creating engaging teaser videos in output. Without the need for human intervention, this system prioritizes clarity and information design, ensuring that even the most complex news stories are presented in a visually compelling manner. 

A fusion of graphics, animations, and engaging soundtracks, creating teaser videos that not only inform but entertain. Newsrooms & Brands can now captivate their audience with news delivered in a visually compelling manner. With AI News Teaser Videos, we can report the news but we also can turn them into a visual symphony that resonates across digital landscapes, ensuring your message is heard amidst the noise. For brands and events looking to enhance their social media presence, AI News Teaser Videos could provide an effective means of conveying information in a format that resonates with today’s audiences, making the news not only informative but also visually captivating.

Picture a revolutionary campaign for news outlets, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. With our AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we're transforming the way breaking media is created and delivered. Utilizing the capabilities of Feedly AI, we automatically extract the trending articles of the day and seamlessly convert them into captivating teaser videos. The video is designed to provide viewers with a sneak peek into the day's top stories, igniting their curiosity and driving them to explore the full articles. To enhance the visual appeal of these teasers, we integrate the Unsplash image API, selecting high-quality images that perfectly complement the news content.

Picture a revolutionary campaign for news outlets, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. With our AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we're transforming the way breaking media is created and delivered. Utilizing the capabilities of Feedly AI, we automatically extract the trending articles of the day and seamlessly convert them into captivating teaser videos. The video is designed to provide viewers with a sneak peek into the day's top stories, igniting their curiosity and driving them to explore the full articles. To enhance the visual appeal of these teasers, we integrate the Unsplash image API, selecting high-quality images that perfectly complement the news content.

Picture a revolutionary campaign for news outlets, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. With our AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we're transforming the way breaking media is created and delivered. Utilizing the capabilities of Feedly AI, we automatically extract the trending articles of the day and seamlessly convert them into captivating teaser videos. The video is designed to provide viewers with a sneak peek into the day's top stories, igniting their curiosity and driving them to explore the full articles. To enhance the visual appeal of these teasers, we integrate the Unsplash image API, selecting high-quality images that perfectly complement the news content.

Picture a revolutionary campaign for news outlets, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. With our AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we're transforming the way breaking media is created and delivered. Utilizing the capabilities of Feedly AI, we automatically extract the trending articles of the day and seamlessly convert them into captivating teaser videos. The video is designed to provide viewers with a sneak peek into the day's top stories, igniting their curiosity and driving them to explore the full articles. To enhance the visual appeal of these teasers, we integrate the Unsplash image API, selecting high-quality images that perfectly complement the news content.

Picture a revolutionary campaign for news outlets, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. With our AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we're transforming the way breaking media is created and delivered. Utilizing the capabilities of Feedly AI, we automatically extract the trending articles of the day and seamlessly convert them into captivating teaser videos. The video is designed to provide viewers with a sneak peek into the day's top stories, igniting their curiosity and driving them to explore the full articles. To enhance the visual appeal of these teasers, we integrate the Unsplash image API, selecting high-quality images that perfectly complement the news content.

The article to video conversion happens with the help of our video animation tool, that selects the right data and uses it to create media content such as text animations, photo transitions, and charts. This helps boost the promotion on social media and on marketing channels. The video creation is triggered whenever an article is trending, ensuring that as soon as an article is identified, a teaser video goes into production without any human intervention and is then shared across various platforms. In addition to the article snippets, we can incorporate stock price charts and other charts to provide viewers with valuable insights into the financial implications of the news. 

With AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we aim to engage audiences in real-time, keeping them informed and intrigued about the latest developments. Join us in redefining news consumption, one engaging teaser video at a time, and witness the future of news presentation unfold before your eyes. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver news in a way that captivates and informs your audience like never before.

The article to video conversion happens with the help of our video animation tool, that selects the right data and uses it to create media content such as text animations, photo transitions, and charts. This helps boost the promotion on social media and on marketing channels. The video creation is triggered whenever an article is trending, ensuring that as soon as an article is identified, a teaser video goes into production without any human intervention and is then shared across various platforms. In addition to the article snippets, we can incorporate stock price charts and other charts to provide viewers with valuable insights into the financial implications of the news. 

With AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we aim to engage audiences in real-time, keeping them informed and intrigued about the latest developments. Join us in redefining news consumption, one engaging teaser video at a time, and witness the future of news presentation unfold before your eyes. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver news in a way that captivates and informs your audience like never before.

The article to video conversion happens with the help of our video animation tool, that selects the right data and uses it to create media content such as text animations, photo transitions, and charts. This helps boost the promotion on social media and on marketing channels. The video creation is triggered whenever an article is trending, ensuring that as soon as an article is identified, a teaser video goes into production without any human intervention and is then shared across various platforms. In addition to the article snippets, we can incorporate stock price charts and other charts to provide viewers with valuable insights into the financial implications of the news. 

With AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we aim to engage audiences in real-time, keeping them informed and intrigued about the latest developments. Join us in redefining news consumption, one engaging teaser video at a time, and witness the future of news presentation unfold before your eyes. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver news in a way that captivates and informs your audience like never before.

The article to video conversion happens with the help of our video animation tool, that selects the right data and uses it to create media content such as text animations, photo transitions, and charts. This helps boost the promotion on social media and on marketing channels. The video creation is triggered whenever an article is trending, ensuring that as soon as an article is identified, a teaser video goes into production without any human intervention and is then shared across various platforms. In addition to the article snippets, we can incorporate stock price charts and other charts to provide viewers with valuable insights into the financial implications of the news. 

With AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we aim to engage audiences in real-time, keeping them informed and intrigued about the latest developments. Join us in redefining news consumption, one engaging teaser video at a time, and witness the future of news presentation unfold before your eyes. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver news in a way that captivates and informs your audience like never before.

The article to video conversion happens with the help of our video animation tool, that selects the right data and uses it to create media content such as text animations, photo transitions, and charts. This helps boost the promotion on social media and on marketing channels. The video creation is triggered whenever an article is trending, ensuring that as soon as an article is identified, a teaser video goes into production without any human intervention and is then shared across various platforms. In addition to the article snippets, we can incorporate stock price charts and other charts to provide viewers with valuable insights into the financial implications of the news. 

With AI-driven News Teaser Videos, we aim to engage audiences in real-time, keeping them informed and intrigued about the latest developments. Join us in redefining news consumption, one engaging teaser video at a time, and witness the future of news presentation unfold before your eyes. Stay ahead of the curve and deliver news in a way that captivates and informs your audience like never before.

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Interested in building a similar idea into reality? Hire our team.

Interested in building a similar idea into reality? Hire our team.

Algo is an innovation studio specialised in data-visualisastion & video automation. We build dashboards that turn data into videos, at scale.

Algo is an innovation studio specialised in data-viz & video automation. We build dashboards that turn data into videos, at scale.

Algo is an innovation studio specialised in data-viz & video automation. We build dashboards that turn data into videos, at scale.

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Algo is a data-viz

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