Olympics — Medal Tracker
Olympics — Medal Tracker
Olympics — Medal Tracker
Overview – For every medal won in Rio, Algo created a video celebrating the gold, silver and bronze winners. This allowed Bloomberg to cover the event faster than anyone else.
Overview – For every medal won in Rio, Algo created a video celebrating the gold, silver and bronze winners. This allowed Bloomberg to cover the event faster than anyone else.
Overview – For every medal won in Rio, Algo created a video celebrating the gold, silver and bronze winners. This allowed Bloomberg to cover the event faster than anyone else.
When Bloomberg asked us to automate their videos for the Olympics, we let Algo compete in the games. Could a video bot customise a template faster than what Usain Bolt takes to run 100m? Let's find out.
When Bloomberg asked us to automate their videos for the Olympics, we let Algo compete in the games. Could a video bot customise a template faster than what Usain Bolt takes to run 100m? Let's find out.
When Bloomberg asked us to automate their videos for the Olympics, we let Algo compete in the games. Could a video bot customise a template faster than what Usain Bolt takes to run 100m? Let's find out.
We approached the project with a clear architecture in mind: a medal is won, its data is pushed to our server, a video gets created autonomously without any human interaction, the video gets published on social media. All in less than 2 minutes.
We approached the project with a clear architecture in mind: a medal is won, its data is pushed to our server, a video gets created autonomously without any human interaction, the video gets published on social media. All in less than 2 minutes.
We approached the project with a clear architecture in mind: a medal is won, its data is pushed to our server, a video gets created autonomously without any human interaction, the video gets published on social media. All in less than 2 minutes.
We started the project by tackling the flags and their colours. For the project colour palette, we picked the 5 classic colours of the Olympic games, tuned them up a bit to make the Bloomberg electric blue be part of it, and matched all other colours accordingly.
We started the project by tackling the flags and their colours. For the project colour palette, we picked the 5 classic colours of the Olympic games, tuned them up a bit to make the Bloomberg electric blue be part of it, and matched all other colours accordingly.
We started the project by tackling the flags and their colours. For the project colour palette, we picked the 5 classic colours of the Olympic games, tuned them up a bit to make the Bloomberg electric blue be part of it, and matched all other colours accordingly.
We then went through a massive 3-day team work where we re-designed and simplified all the world’s flags to become mini-flags made in the palette colours only, and with a low, matching level of visual complexity.
We then went through a massive 3-day team work where we re-designed and simplified all the world’s flags to become mini-flags made in the palette colours only, and with a low, matching level of visual complexity.
We then went through a massive 3-day team work where we re-designed and simplified all the world’s flags to become mini-flags made in the palette colours only, and with a low, matching level of visual complexity.

At that point, we decided to colour the videos in function of the gold medal winning country. We thus had to create one sub-palette for each of the 207 countries attending the games.
At that point, we decided to colour the videos in function of the gold medal winning country. We thus had to create one sub-palette for each of the 207 countries attending the games.
At that point, we decided to colour the videos in function of the gold medal winning country. We thus had to create one sub-palette for each of the 207 countries attending the games.

Since we had multiple flags overlapping the backgrounds, shades and texts, testing all the possible outputs was almost impossible. Using Excel was the only option. We defined the colours as variables, used conditional formatting to visualise them, filled them all up, exported the palette data as a .json file, and then fed it to After Effects. Designers love Excel.
Since we had multiple flags overlapping the backgrounds, shades and texts, testing all the possible outputs was almost impossible. Using Excel was the only option. We defined the colours as variables, used conditional formatting to visualise them, filled them all up, exported the palette data as a .json file, and then fed it to After Effects. Designers love Excel.
Since we had multiple flags overlapping the backgrounds, shades and texts, testing all the possible outputs was almost impossible. Using Excel was the only option. We defined the colours as variables, used conditional formatting to visualise them, filled them all up, exported the palette data as a .json file, and then fed it to After Effects. Designers love Excel.
40+ Sport Field illustrations — After colour customisation, we focused on how to represent all the different sports in the Olympics. We grouped all different disciplines into 43 categories and decided to represent them with their own unique custom Illustration of their corresponding sport field.
40+ Sport Field illustrations — After colour customisation, we focused on how to represent all the different sports in the Olympics. We grouped all different disciplines into 43 categories and decided to represent them with their own unique custom Illustration of their corresponding sport field.
40+ Sport Field illustrations — After colour customisation, we focused on how to represent all the different sports in the Olympics. We grouped all different disciplines into 43 categories and decided to represent them with their own unique custom Illustration of their corresponding sport field.
The title text would then precisely define the event, especially in competitions like swimming or athletics that have multiple events whitin their category.
The title text would then precisely define the event, especially in competitions like swimming or athletics that have multiple events whitin their category.
The title text would then precisely define the event, especially in competitions like swimming or athletics that have multiple events whitin their category.
Videos were customised faster than what Usain Bolt takes to run 100m
Videos were customised faster than what Usain Bolt takes to run 100m
Videos were customised faster than what Usain Bolt takes to run 100m
Distribution — All videos were automatically pushed to millions of followers on Bloomberg’s social media accounts, especially on Twitter; like when Andy Murray won 2 consecutive singles gold medals in Tennis.
Distribution — All videos were automatically pushed to millions of followers on Bloomberg’s social media accounts, especially on Twitter; like when Andy Murray won 2 consecutive singles gold medals in Tennis.
Distribution — All videos were automatically pushed to millions of followers on Bloomberg’s social media accounts, especially on Twitter; like when Andy Murray won 2 consecutive singles gold medals in Tennis.
Credits ✶ Project Direction Luca Gonnelli + Creative Direction & Design Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Cristina Pasquale + Motion Engineering Matteo Ruffinengo + Data Science Nima Farzaneh + Sound Design Carla Gioia
Credits ✶ Project Direction Luca Gonnelli + Creative Direction & Design Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Cristina Pasquale + Motion Engineering Matteo Ruffinengo + Data Science Nima Farzaneh + Sound Design Carla Gioia
Credits ✶ Project Direction Luca Gonnelli + Creative Direction & Design Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Cristina Pasquale + Motion Engineering Matteo Ruffinengo + Data Science Nima Farzaneh + Sound Design Carla Gioia
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