YouTrend — 2022 Italian Elections

YouTrend — 2022 Italian Elections

YouTrend — 2022 Italian Elections

Overview  In late September, all Italian citizens were called to the polls to renew the Parliament & elect a new Government. To help people make informed decisions, we helped research data agency YouTrend to redesign the UX/UI of their political tools, embedded on the SkyTg24 & Corriere della Sera websites. 

Overview  In late September, all Italian citizens were called to the polls to renew the Parliament & elect a new Government. To help people make informed decisions, we helped research data agency YouTrend to redesign the UX/UI of their political tools, embedded on the SkyTg24 & Corriere della Sera websites. 

Overview  In late September, all Italian citizens were called to the polls to renew the Parliament & elect a new Government. To help people make informed decisions, we helped research data agency YouTrend to redesign the UX/UI of their political tools, embedded on the SkyTg24 & Corriere della Sera websites. 

Seat Explorer — To find out in which electoral district a citizen votes and to know the names of the candidates "Trova Collegio" comes to help. Simply enter your address or city and you’ll find info about all candidates, both for the Chamber & Senate, plus the results of previous elections and even the main socio-demographic data of your district.

Seat Explorer — To find out in which electoral district a citizen votes and to know the names of the candidates "Trova Collegio" comes to help. Simply enter your address or city and you’ll find info about all candidates, both for the Chamber & Senate, plus the results of previous elections and even the main socio-demographic data of your district.

Seat Explorer — To find out in which electoral district a citizen votes and to know the names of the candidates "Trova Collegio" comes to help. Simply enter your address or city and you’ll find info about all candidates, both for the Chamber & Senate, plus the results of previous elections and even the main socio-demographic data of your district.

Cutting through the noise of an election campaigns isn’t easy. And often news outlet sites are full of things that fight for your attention.

Designing a data-viz tool that’s embedded in such a chaotic scenario requires a clear, sober layout — mixed with simple mouse over interactions & switches. We picked a slightly neon colour palette, large enought to showcase all political parties & coalitions.

Cutting through the noise of an election campaigns isn’t easy. And often news outlet sites are full of things that fight for your attention.

Designing a data-viz tool that’s embedded in such a chaotic scenario requires a clear, sober layout — mixed with simple mouse over interactions & switches. We picked a slightly neon colour palette, large enought to showcase all political parties & coalitions.

Cutting through the noise of an election campaigns isn’t easy. And often news outlet sites are full of things that fight for your attention.

Designing a data-viz tool that’s embedded in such a chaotic scenario requires a clear, sober layout — mixed with simple mouse over interactions & switches. We picked a slightly neon colour palette, large enought to showcase all political parties & coalitions.

Who to vote for Quiz — With an electoral run marked by many central themes, from the energy crisis to the fight against inflation, and parties with different programs and ideas, it can be tricky to understand who to vote for. “Trova Partito”, a voting advice application, is a curated quiz that uses questions about the main themes to help align the user’s preferences to a political party & program.

Who to vote for Quiz — With an electoral run marked by many central themes, from the energy crisis to the fight against inflation, and parties with different programs and ideas, it can be tricky to understand who to vote for. “Trova Partito”, a voting advice application, is a curated quiz that uses questions about the main themes to help align the user’s preferences to a political party & program.

Who to vote for Quiz — With an electoral run marked by many central themes, from the energy crisis to the fight against inflation, and parties with different programs and ideas, it can be tricky to understand who to vote for. “Trova Partito”, a voting advice application, is a curated quiz that uses questions about the main themes to help align the user’s preferences to a political party & program.

Hemicycle Simulator — The "Seggiometro" tool allows users to visualize how the national % data of the parties translates into seats in the Chamber and Senate. The instrument also allows the coalitions to be broken down and reassembled, to understand how a government majority could be formed.

Hemicycle Simulator — The "Seggiometro" tool allows users to visualize how the national % data of the parties translates into seats in the Chamber and Senate. The instrument also allows the coalitions to be broken down and reassembled, to understand how a government majority could be formed.

Hemicycle Simulator — The "Seggiometro" tool allows users to visualize how the national % data of the parties translates into seats in the Chamber and Senate. The instrument also allows the coalitions to be broken down and reassembled, to understand how a government majority could be formed.

Interactive Map — We also re-designed the map of electoral results, updated live as votes are casted. Users could zoom into the data to dive deep into local competitions, or zoom back out to national view. It was fun to see it live on TV, used by Youtrend founder Lorenzo Pregliasco to share the results during the electoral night.

Interactive Map — We also re-designed the map of electoral results, updated live as votes are casted. Users could zoom into the data to dive deep into local competitions, or zoom back out to national view. It was fun to see it live on TV, used by Youtrend founder Lorenzo Pregliasco to share the results during the electoral night.

Interactive Map — We also re-designed the map of electoral results, updated live as votes are casted. Users could zoom into the data to dive deep into local competitions, or zoom back out to national view. It was fun to see it live on TV, used by Youtrend founder Lorenzo Pregliasco to share the results during the electoral night.

Despite a short timeline due to early elections – that could’t include video automation, the partnership between Algo & YouTrend confirmed our love for political data & brought very interesting results: 2M unique users took our Electoral Quiz. Interested in building a project about political data?

Despite a short timeline due to early elections – that could’t include video automation, the partnership between Algo & YouTrend confirmed our love for political data & brought very interesting results: 2M unique users took our Electoral Quiz. Interested in building a project about political data?

Despite a short timeline due to early elections – that could’t include video automation, the partnership between Algo & YouTrend confirmed our love for political data & brought very interesting results: 2M unique users took our Electoral Quiz. Interested in building a project about political data?

Credits ✶ Client & Political Analysis Youtrend, Lorenzo Pregliasco + Project Mgmt Ruben Bianco + Creative Direction & Strategy Luca Gonnelli + Art Direction & Design Camille Pagotto + Project Mgmt Marina Echer Barbieri + Development Marco Iacuaniello & Aurelian Vacariuc

Credits ✶ Client & Political Analysis Youtrend, Lorenzo Pregliasco + Project Mgmt Ruben Bianco + Creative Direction & Strategy Luca Gonnelli + Art Direction & Design Camille Pagotto + Project Mgmt Marina Echer Barbieri + Development Marco Iacuaniello & Aurelian Vacariuc

Credits ✶ Client & Political Analysis Youtrend, Lorenzo Pregliasco + Project Mgmt Ruben Bianco + Creative Direction & Strategy Luca Gonnelli + Art Direction & Design Camille Pagotto + Project Mgmt Marina Echer Barbieri + Development Marco Iacuaniello & Aurelian Vacariuc

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